Sunday, August 10, 2008

Robertus' Song of the Week

In the hall I heard your faints falling
Your trial and my corrections made
You had all the prayer of my loose heart
You had all the prayers of my

No I was not there on the church stairs
The wind in my hair a flood through my tear
No I was not there on the church stairs
The wind in my hair a flood through my tear

Me I wanted, I wanted the right time
Me I wanted, I wanted the fire in line
Me I wanted, I wanted the right time
Me I wanted, I wanted the fire in line

This week's SotW is "Guyamas Sorona" by Beirut (a song I've been listening to in the cah lately). A return performance from Beirut, which I'd hoped to avoid, but here it is at ten of seven on Sunday and I'd not posted a thing. Like everything else on The Flying Club Cup, they performed this live in Brooklyn for La Blogothèque. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Updates So Brief That They Are Already Finished

Sitting in the office working hard at not working hard, figured I'd alter the links I've been meaning to alter. Hooray lax internet policy!

Links now go to We're Only Human and Blog Folmerica, the former written by a coworker of mine, the latter by a lad with whom I attended high school. Enjoy at your leisure. We bid a fond adieu to Altercation, which isn't up where it was anymore, and I hadn't read in a dog's age.

More to come, links and otherwise.
